Friday, January 15, 2010

The Butterfly Effect

What we do effects every body,even galaxies light years away. That is the butterfly effect. The good and the bad we do has ripple effects. I forget this. We are powerful beyond our wildest dreams and we should not forget it.

I get anesthetized to the world, my place in it and my impact on it. I am trying to be better. And I will start with my family and know that my mood and how I show up directly impacts them. I have been on this weight loss and spiritual journey the past year and now I can stop navel gazing and help them get healthy too. It is very exciting.

Think about all the people you touch, how you can show up better and if we all do this, the world and universe will be a better place.

1 comment:

  1. Mindfulness is what it is ALL about........mindfulness and staying in "learners mind" rather than "judgers mind"........this is is NOT simply mindless idealism. We CAN change the world, one person at a time!!!
