Why would I call it the snickers diet? 1) I think I would be a size 10 if I never had a snickers in my life and 2) I have lost over 40#s in the past year and eaten more snickers (fun size 90 calories) than in the past 5 years and 3) because I judge food by a comparison with a snickers.
Would I rather have a cup of rice or a snickers bar - full size- same calories? How about a small glass of wine or a fun size snickers? It really puts things in perspective for me. Snickers are my diet currency- or gold standard.
I have always been plump. Pleasingly plump, pumpkin (not princess), sack o' potatoes, strong, athletic. Never slim as a child or adult.
One year a ago I was a size 2X/ or 20W that's pretty big. I am now down to a size 16 have gotten rid of 6 garbage bags of clothes and can fit into many of my goal clothes. I have always had several sizes of clothes in my closet at any given time from10-24 most recently. The ones I used to fit into once long ago and the ones I never fit into that I bought hoping I would fit into one day. Happy to say that the big clothes for the most part are gone. I have kept a few 2x T-shirts for working out in, but if the clothes are too baggy and not flattering they are gone.
My goal is to be size 10 for the first time in my life by my 25th college reunion in June. If you are still reading then maybe you want to know how I did it. Another name for the program I am on is the Math Diet- calories in and calories out. I joined the UNC weight loss study in March 09 and I have pretty much kept to 1500 calories a day and at least 300 minutes of exercise most weeks. But how do you do it? Plan the calories, schedule the exercise, eat lots of cabbage, lettuce and fun size snickers everyday. Weigh and measure everything and count every calorie that goes in you mouth. If you eat 1500 calories (really, you have to count the tastes licks nibbles the bit off your kid's plate and tastes while you are cooking because they count and they add up and they show up on your tummy on the outside) and walk 10,000 steps every day you will loose weight if you are over weight.
So today I am at my lowest weight since my wedding in 1995. Today I have had 1250 calories and walked 50 minutes with dog around UNC campus while my daughter had choir practice rather than sitting waiting, chatting, making calls or reading, I was getting my steps in. Not going to make it to 10k today, but I am at 7,791 or just under 4 miles. I also got up for 7a yoga at the sportsplex.
I reorganized my closet and got rid of about 10 more things that just aren't flattering anymore (if they ever were). I planned a few outfits and reorganized my dresser. Soon I will get out all the PJs that I have been keeping that I haven't been able to wear. I have 4 goal pieces hanging on my closet door(pictured above) a red top that used to look smashing in Memphis and Amsterdam, 2 pair of slacks one 12 and one 14 and a pair of size 12 jean Capri's. I'll let you know when they fit.
I wouldn't call my diet the Snickers Diet. I'd probably call it the pasta/bread diet 'cause I'd much rather eat those than a Snickers....however, I'd much rather live a healthy, long, meaningful life than eat any particular thing....than why do I chose food so often, late at night? Mmmmm.....