Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Slippery Slope

I went over my calories allowance last night at the BBQ fundraiser. Not good choices. I had saved 500 calories and actually ate 700. I haven't walked for 2 days because of rain and time. I am sitting here with the same choice I have every morning. Will I stay on my program or not. I am down about 2 notches on the slippery slope. Do I pick myself up or do I slide?

Last year at this time I was doing great. I had lost 14 pounds in September and first half of October. Then I hit the slopes. First I lost some of my data in the spread sheet where I was tracking my weight and food. Then I spent 3 days cooking for a church function. A week later it was Halloween. No Data for the week around Halloween. I was back on half and half for the beginning of November. Then no data from November 21 to February 5 and I gained back all but 6 pounds. And was waiting to get into the UNC weight loss study.

Here's the slippery slope (From UNC):
High risk situation- no plan- small slip- Negative thinking and no plan- another slip-no come back plan- FALL...........
High risk situation-no plan- small slip-Positive thinking and a plan- Back on Track with goals.
"The earlier you take action, the easier it is to stop your fall."

So I sit here with choices for food and exercise - cookie crisp with my daughter because I blew it last night or cream of wheat like I planned. Walk in the rain or make time later in the day hoping it clears up but committed to get my one hour in. Or blow if off again due to no time with church, a meeting and calls I have scheduled today and besides I haven't done it for 2 days what's another day.

I will try to be positive. I went clothes shopping yesterday and got some great deals and 2 pair of size 10 pants that are very tight so they are my new goal pants. I had enough reserve calories to cover my slip yesterday so I am still getting my clothing allowance. Although I didn't get aerobic exercise for the last 2days I did do 2 classes, an hour each of yoga and Pilate's.

After writing this I will eat my cream of wheat, plan my meals and calories for the day and go walk in the rain. I am not skiing this time, no slopes for me. A slip or 2 or 3 doesn't have to be a fall.

1 comment:

  1. Just because I'm on the slippery slope does not mean I have to end up in the emergency room or on life support (actually, food doesn't have to be my life support either!!!)....enjoying slipping and sliding with you......hearing your experiences, doing life together....helps me feel that I'm not so alone in attempting to slay this particular dragon. In fact, I don't think it is going to get permanently slayed and done with.........I have a RELATIONSHIP with food just like I have a relationship with God, with significant folks in my life, and with other aspects of my life. None of those arenas of life are static........nor, if they are alive, should I expect them to be. They are dynamic and co-active and I need to move through them with an attitude of gratitude and humilty......taking it one day at a time!! Thanks, Kari, for sparking my own reflections on the slippery slope!
