Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hair Lost and Found

My hair has been coming out in clumps in the shower for months. It stopped for a while and has started again. I got my hair cut yesterday which I do about once a year whether I need it or not. My stylist said that hair loss was normal with rapid weight loss and then I found this at health-emark.com:

"Hair Loss: This is also a typical short term effect of weight loss surgery. Hair loss in rapid weight loss plans generally occurs due to reduced in take of proteins. Following weight loss surgery, hair loss starts occurring in the fourth and fifth month. This results from the shedding of your hair follicles. With reduced protein intake your body sacrifices hair that is made from proteins to make the little protein available to more important body functions. It especially pronounced in weight loss surgery as these individual have extremely low protein diets.Fortunately once your nutrition goes back to normal and you provide enough dietary protein, the hair loss stops and your hair thickness goes back to normal. " (thankfully)

I know I am not alone in this which helps. Also, I found out that the shorter hairs near my temple which look a bit like some one cut a lock of hair is actually new spontaneous growth. My body decided to start to grow hair in a place it didn't before. Very weird. I have a short bob now, a bit shorter than expected but nice. It will grow out well and will accentuate my curls.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting about hair and weight loss. I did not know that but I'll be on the look out. By the way, when I saw you earlier this week it seemed to me that you are looking a good 10 years younger............I know it has something to do with the weight, but maybe it is the hair too!!
