Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mindless Eating

We all do it. A bag of chips gone before you know it. Mindless eating while watching TV, reading the paper, what ever. Last night the session for my weigh in was on mindFUL eating. It is really powerful. Here are the steps:
1. Take 3 deep calming breathes
2. Think about your hunger. Where are you on a scale of 1-7? Are you eating for physical or emotional reasons?
3. Decide what you want to eat. Make a decision. Yes I am going to eat this apple. Think about the apple the color, the origin, inspect it, then prepare to eat the apple.
4. Take a bite, let it sit in your mouth, feel the texture and taste, chew slowly, concentrate, be present in the moment. What is going on in your mind, mouth, body? Swallow and feel the food. Complete the first bit and then take a sip of water and take a second bite, start the process over.

I did this (partly anyway) last night while I was eating alone after my daughter's stage debut in Music Man Jr. Hubby and kid went to Wendy's and I passed for Mexican salad (125 calories) at home. I was famished- it was 7:30 by the time I got home,so I made a huge salad and after eating mindfully I only finished half. I swear if you do this you will eat less, guaranteed. It worked again this morning and at lunch- I had the other half of the salad from last night and didn't finish it again.

If you put down your silverware, take sips of water between bites, completely finish a bite before getting the next one ready, you will eat less. SLOW DOWN. It is just like golf. They say the only thing you have to get used to if you slow down your swing is the ball going further. Same with weight loss, the only thing you have to get used to if you slow down your eating is weight going down further. Live in the present, in the now; don't think about all the other stuff in your life while eating. Enjoy it, let be like a prayer or a meditation. Be aware or the experience of eating you will enjoy it more.

1 comment:

  1. I know how far I've slacked when I see that it has been over a week since I've responded to the blog.........can you say "off the wagon?" Time to hop back on, pardner.....and be mindful once again. They teach you in meditation class to just notice it when your mind strays and go back and focus...that is what I must do with this....catch up and get focused.
