Saturday, February 27, 2010

Goodbye Snickers

I have been on the Step up plan for a year now. That is a year of having a fun sized snickers (at least) every day (at least). Last night I gave Art my last fun sized snickers and I am planning on not buying any more.

I just finished reading: In Defence of Food, by Michael Pollan. So many of the topics I have written about here and thought about in the past year as I have been on this very bumpy road to better health, are addressed in this book. The real problem on so many levels is the Western Diet. We are main lining sugar in many forms, (white flour, HFCS, etc) no wonder diabetes is sky rocketing. So I am going to try to get off the sugar. No more white stuff. Maybe if I get it out of my daily diet I can get healthy and get the last 20 pounds off.

So how do I go forward as a "flexitarian"? - (one who eats less than one serving of meat a day) Here's the new plan-
No buying processed food or meat. (That probably means no more shopping at Kroger)
Eat real food, more leaves than seeds, mostly plants
Pay more, eat less (organic, local, peak season, again probably not at Kroger)
Eat slower
Fish 2 times per week- wild and from the "good" list

This change is hard for me. Not really for Art- he is farther along than I am, but Allison is struggling with the changes that are so different from what she finds in the normal world. She doesn't see that the normal world is crazy- where food comes from a window, meals are eaten in the car and bread has 50 ingredients, half of which are unintelligible.

1 comment:

  1. I'm finding that real food definitely means paying more, and although I 'm willing to do that for awhile, often I'm not........I'm, flexetarian for me would mean eating consciously and eating whole, food...unprocessed..........and also not being CONSISTENT about it!!
