Friday, December 18, 2009

Are Your Friends Making You Fat?

Just read a great NY Times article from 9/13/09. We were cleaning out old newspapers and I saw the magazine cover story: "Are Your Friends Making You Fat?" Yes they are. There is evidence that 3 degrees of separation effects your weight, smoking and happiness. Obesity is contagious. Researchers replicated the way people influence one another and the virtual society they created, slowly became obese. If one person is obese and strategically placed in the group and influences one person it is contagious. Fascinating.

The solution is not to diet with a friend, but to diet with friends of friends- then everyone is surrounded by one person that is losing weight. Losing weight is hard. Right now around the holidays, it is just about impossible. But keeping it off if every one around you is obese is even harder.

No wonder I want everyone I know to join the step up plan. I am terrified of gaining back all of the weight. I am hoping that I have changed my habits. Maintenance could be harder than losing. I just can't imagine it but it may be true.

Humans are social beings. We are pack animals that want to be like the rest, be included and a part of the whole. Being different doesn't feel good. My hope is that through this Blog and my journey I can get others to join me, feel included and motivated. Maybe we can influence each other to be healthy and fit too.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you,Kari, for being a friend who is NOT making me fat............actually, you are a friend who is helping me to be more aware, mindful, and conscious in every aspect of my life. I appreciate you!!!!
