Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Be present

The universe gives you lessons if you pay attention. If you don't learn the lesson then you get the same lesson again. (and again and again) Paying attention is the key. Be present. Wake up. I got a small lesson today in the form of a flat tire. I wasn't paying attention and hit a huge pot hole; there went my tire and bent my rim. I was stuck. Hey didn't the same thing happen about 5 years ago? Yeah- pay attention. Wake up. So I call AAA, then the school bus garage so they could alert the bus driver, and then a classmate's parents so she could get off the bus at their house. I'll get my new tire tomorrow and am driving around on a full spare. Not too bad but still...

While waiting for AAA I took the time to get in a few more steps on the pedometer, relax abit. I was walking up and down the sidewalk when the truck came to rescue me. Use the time for good not for sitting and stewing about being stupid and blowing out my tire. Everything worked out fine.... this time. Pay attention so we don't have to do this again. It wasn't a fun afternoon.

So the lesson is to pay attention. And to pay more attention to my food and what I am eating. I went over my calories yesterday 1550- no $1 in my account for yesterday unless I make up the calories today. I had too much to do and just wasn't present. Back-to-back plans (drop off daughter, walk 1 hour, Breakfast meeting, coffee at a friend's, serve lunch at the soup kitchen, lunch with former co-workers, shopping) . 10 pounds in a 5 pound bag as usual. Take a few deep breaths and relax. I didn't plan my meals today to the detail I have in the past. Going on auto pilot doesn't work in life or eating.

Too many of us go through life on auto pilot not paying attention in life, in relationships, and in food choices. This program has really helped me to get intentional about my eating. To plan, budget and own my food choices. I don't unconsciously eat a bag of chips or cookies anymore. If I have junk food it is 100 calorie pack or a measured out amount so I know how many calories I am consuming. I am present and I enjoy it. Have you ever eaten something, not paid attention and then thought- "what just happened? Did I finish that? I don't remember eating it." Well I used to do it all the time. Unconscious eating. Now I try to take small bites not shoving every thing in at once. Finish what is in my mouth before going on to the next bite. I don't do it all the time, but I am trying. It is really more satisfying. Life is more satisfying if you are present and intentional. Wake up. I will try to do better tomorrow. I hope I have learned this lesson. If not I am sure that the opportunity will be there again in the future.

1 comment:

  1. It's all about, relationships, happiness,success, money management, health....all we have is now!!
