Monday, September 21, 2009

One calorie: Money and Weight

The difference between being rich and poor is one dollar. If you spend $1 more than you earn you will be poor and if you save and invest $1 less than you earn you will be rich. Same thing with weight. You will be skinny if you eat one calorie less than you burn, and heavy if you eat one calorie more than you burn. Money management has never been an issue for me. I carried a credit card balance once in the 80's for a few months when I bought my second house, I intuitively have always known what I could spend and afford and what I couldn't. I have never known what food I could afford.

A light bulb went on a earlier this year, I have 1500 calories a day to spend how ever I want. If that is on Snickers, fine. If that is on cabbage, fine. I eat what ever I want on my plan, if I can afford it. This makes me feel that I operating from a place of abundance rather than scarcity. It is not about limiting my food and restricting my diet,rather it is about living within my means/ my budget. It empowers me to make better choices and really own my food plan.

I usually start my day with a cup of coffee and plan out my calories for the day. For breakfast I will have .. and morning snack I will have.. lunch... afternoon snack.. dinner.... I estimate the calories and figure out how much wiggle room I have left over for snickers, chips, low cal ice cream, a glass of wine or what ever treat I want. Usually I am right up to my 1500 calorie limit by the end of the day. I spend every calorie I can afford and I don't feel guilty about it.

Today I will have:
B- coffee with 2% milk (I am out of fat free 1/2 and 1/2 and skim)- 70
one Egg, toast and 2 oz ham 75+ 70+ 60=205

Sn- Grapes 1/2 cup 50

L- Turkey sandwich on lite bun with lettuce and mustard 60+80+5=145
one cup navy bean soup 160

D- Chef salad
2 oz ham 2 oz turkey, salad with fat free dressing 200

Total 830 so far, add the snickers -90 and a bag of sun chips- 140 a granola bar -90 rice quakes-70 and root beer float- 80 and I am up to 1300 plenty left over for toast with the chef salad if I want, or a glass of wine or I can come in under budget like I did yesterday when my total was 1350. The result being I was 190.6 this morning. Down .4 from yesterday, down 2 pounds for the week and .6 pounds away from my clothing allowance raise up to $1.50 a day! Can't wait. By the way, all of the goal clothes have come off the closet door. I will wear most them this week. The Capri's are still a little snug but hopefully will look great on Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Bottom line is there are days I don't want 1500 calories. Most days I'm fine with it. But then there are the days I somehow maintain the warped illusion that if I eat enough I'll fill up that "hole"....which for me can only really be filled up with a spiritual relationship with God, bottom I have to remember that when I want to fill up with food, I need to instead, fill up with the Word of God, or else I end up going down that "slippery slope" where even 3,000 calories is never enough.
