Monday, October 12, 2009

Choose Your Response

It is not even 8 am and I am having a bad day already. Over slept, gained 2 pounds since yesterday, the TV/radio in the kitchen mysteriously broke overnight, was somehow just not working this morning- no news, no weather. TVs used to last for decades, this under cabinet one we have had for about 4 years. How does a TV/ DVD player/ radio just stop working over night?

The cleaners will be here in minutes and I just want to go back to bed and start the day over. I have a pile of work to do and long list of personal and business things that must get done today. And then there is the weight. The frustration of the scale going in the wrong direction. I know I over did it at the wedding on Saturday, but I was under on my calories yesterday. I know I didn't exercise at all yesterday, but really, 2 pounds?? I have been low energy for at least 2 days.

Suck it up, plan your day, schedule the 90 minutes walk you need to meet your weekly exercise goal. Just got a call from a friend and it brightened my morning already, and she mentioned that I was low energy on Friday also, in "a bit of a funk." I think I am not managing my energy. The day will get better, the 2 pound gain is not real and the rest are only things. I get frustrated when things go different than planned and need to realize that this is always going to happen to a certain extent and I can choose my response to it. I can get mad, eat, drink or shop or I can shrug it off and get on with my day. Life is looking up already.

1 comment:

  1. I'm choosing to feel my feelings instead of stuff them or hide under the covers and become immobilized. This seems to be about enduring more intense pain instead of covering it over.....but the good news is that if I bear the discomfort and let myself feel it all, the comfort eventually does come. And, I'm growing in the process. Things set me off...and I know everyone has these things....but if I eat over them, or resort to old lethargic behavior (my two coping mechanisms are my two biggest sins....sloth and gluttony....), I will stay at a less than optimum weight and less than optimum physical condition. It is my choice. Feel the pain temporarily or anesthesize it. I can cry and walk just as easily as I can cry in my bed or stick my head in the refrigerator. I choose to cry and walk.
