Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I have a bible that I take everywhere I go. I can quote from it, it is dog eared and book marked for my favorite pages. This weight loss journey has caused a shift in my spiritual practices and I find that instead of King James I carry around the Calorie King bible.

This good book is truly amazing. It has almost everything I have ever or will ever eat in it. A key to keeping with in my calorie allowance everyday is knowing how many calories are in what I am eating. With US labeling laws I don't have to look up everything, but it is still in there. As a part of the UNC study we were all given these calorie counter books on the first day. It has alcoholic drinks, baking ingredients, bars, beverages, bread etc etc. Happy to say the most used parts for me are the fruits, veggies and meat.

At the back instead of gospels there are calories for 200 fast-food and chain restaurants. At my finger tips I can tell you how many calories in taco or happy meal. It is amazing and has changed my life. I would not have lost the weight if I didn't have the exact calorie count for what I eat. The weight watchers points is close, based I think on 50 or so calories per point. I found it too imprecise and I think it is easier to stay on with the points but I didn't loose much weight. Maybe I ate too many things with zero points. On my plan everything except hot sauce, salt, sweetener, diet pop and horseradish has calories and they all count.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I don't think my Calorie King Bible is going to replace my NIV Bible any time soon....but it has become, in the last 4 1/2 weeks, an invaluable part of my daily routine....I'm committed to writing it down every day for the rest of my life. That is a big commitment....and the Calorie King book is a great tool in keeping me accountable in surrendering and being obedient to a very real God who passionately loves me enough to want me to be the healthiest I can be. The question is, do I love myself enough to follow through and surrender to God's will for me to have a healthy and whole relationship with my body?
